
One Clear Choice Heat & Air offers professional HVAC solutions to both commercial and residential clients. Ongoing heating and air services are important for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment, while also reducing energy costs and ensuring the longevity of systems. Our services involve the installation, maintenance, repair and upgrade of systems.

Heating and Cooling services include:


  • Installation: We install new equipment or replace existing heating and air conditioning systems. This may also involve designing a new system based on the building’s layout and needs.
  • Maintenance: We offer ongoing maintenance of HVAC systems to ensure they are operating efficiently and to prevent risk of breakdowns. Regular scheduled maintenance services may include filter replacement, cleaning, and inspection of the system’s components.
  • Repairs: When heating and air conditioning systems are not functioning properly, we can help diagnose the problem and perform necessary repairs. This may involve replacing parts, fixing leaks, or addressing other issues that affect the system’s performance.
  • Energy efficiency upgrades: We will assess your current system and setup to develop a recommendation to help improve the energy efficiency of heating and air conditioning systems. We will then implement the upgrades which may involve replacing outdated equipment, installing programmable thermostats, or upgrading insulation.

For more information on our residential or commercial services or to request a free estimate, complete our online form or call 470-208-0029.